There’s a Camera Conference Next Week and You’re Invited
Hey, everybody – I’m back from nine days in Prague, and I’m ready to get back at it (I was leading a travel photography workshop, and it was epic. Epic! What a blast!). Anyway, next week we’re hosting an online conference that’s designed to help you learn your camera, your accessories, and all your photography gear. Check out this short 1-minute video I did about the conference below:
[embedded content]
On Monday, we kick off with a pre-conference workshop, and then the conference runs all day Tuesday and Wednesday with two simultaneous tracks. The entire conference is archived for an entire year for you to stream on demand any time so you can catch any classes you missed, or rewatch any you want to catch again. It’s going to be really awesome, and I want you to be there.
It’s not too late to sign up for The Photography Gear Conference: here’s the link.
Now that I’m back, I’ll be back on the Lightroom stuff on Monday, so I hope you’ll stop back by. Have a great weekend, and we’ll catch you at the conference. 🙂
P.S. I‘m still working on my images from the trip and I’ll be posting a link to my Adobe Spark page next week when it’s posted.
Nous allons réaliser un film d’entreprise pour promouvoir votre image et votre communication.
Nous avons développé une méthode de conception qui permet de valoriser l’image, l’action et les arguments de nos donneurs d’ordres grâce àun film institutionnel.
Pour en savoir plus à propos de films institutionnelsen lisant notre article dédié page « une ». Que cela soit dans le but de diffuser en direction du grand public ou pour la progression internet de votre entreprise nous mettons en oeuvre les meilleures techniques professionnelles des métiers du clip pour gagner cet objectif.
Bibliographie :
Les métiers de l’audiovisuel.,(la couverture) .